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Inbound Marketing

BDS-Isologo Inbound Marketing: The Revolutionary Approach to Modern Strategic Marketing.

The history of Inbound Marketing dates back to 2005 when the prestigious company Hubspot decided to present a modern and revolutionary solution to the way of doing marketing.

Outbound Marketing or traditional Marketing was becoming not only invasive, but repudiated by the general public. And it is that people like to buy but not that they like to be sold.

The development of the means of communication through the internet and the establishment of the digital age have put the adoption of this new much more friendly and effective marketing methodology in the sights of the business world for communication with their public.


BDS-Isologo Engage your audience and Convert more!

An effective Inbound Marketing strategy proposes the following stages of the customer journey

Attraction Stage: Inbound marketing is not at all an approach aimed at massing traffic to a website, but rather at raising the quality of that traffic, opting for users who are attracted to the products or services offered by a company. Quality traffic is obtained by providing high-quality and valuable content to users in a timely manner, that is, when a need arises and a solution is required.

Conversion Stage: Once you have attracted quality visits to the website, we must convert those visits into conversion opportunities. And we should not understand by conversion only the sale, let us understand by conversion any purpose that we achieve with a certain marketing action. To achieve this, we must commend ourselves in a process of communication with users in the form and by the means that best suit them. The first step is, of course, the establishment of contact, which can be through contact forms, messages or information products or downloadable content to encourage them to interact with the brand.
Once we obtain the data of the users, we can contact them, clarify doubts and expand the information in a personalized way, to establish a relationship of empathy and achieve effective communication.

Closing Stage: Once you have established regular and effective communication with your potential customers, you are ready to transform these communications into mutually beneficial exchange opportunities. The most effective method will depend on the sales tools you have and the particular needs of each of your potential clients. You will need to plan ways to capture their attention by making personalized offers to close the deal successfully.

Delight and Promotion Stage: The inbound marketing methodology is based on offering an excellent experience to each client. In our time, users have become experts and therefore more demanding in their requirements. That is why it is important to be available when they need it and help them solve their problems and needs through proper interaction and communication. If you manage to establish a relationship of trust and loyalty with your customers, they will continue to buy your products / services and develop a long-term bond with your brand that will end up recommending you and promoting your products and services.

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BDS-Isologo SEO Packages for Small Business

We offer different SEO Packages for small business that comprises all key SEO features and benefits, but we can also tailor each package to your business needs.

  • $ 359 /Monthly
    • Pages Optimized-Up to 5
    • Google Analytics setup
    • Keyword research
    • Title Tags and Meta descriptions
    • Robot.txt optimization
    • XML sitemap creation & submission
    • Tech Audit
    • Reporting and Analysis
    • Performance Optimization
    • No long term contracts
    • Free Service Consultation
  • $ 499 /Monthly
    • Pages Optimized-Up to 10
    • Google Analytics setup
    • Keyword research
    • Title Tags and Meta descriptions
    • Robot.txt optimization
    • XML sitemap creation & submission
    • Tech Audit
    • Reporting and Analysis
    • Performance Optimization
    • No long term contracts
    • Free Service Consultation
  • $ 659 /Monthly
    • Pages Optimized-Up to 15
    • Google Analytics setup
    • Keyword research
    • Title Tags and Meta descriptions
    • Robot.txt optimization
    • XML sitemap creation & submission
    • Tech Audit
    • Reporting and Analysis
    • Performance Optimization
    • No long term contracts
    • Free Service Consultation
  • $ 995 /Monthly
    • Pages Optimized-Up to 20
    • Google Analytics setup
    • Keyword research
    • Title Tags and Meta descriptions
    • Robot.txt optimization
    • XML sitemap creation & submission
    • Tech Audit
    • Reporting and Analysis
    • Performance Optimization
    • No long term contracts
    • Free Service Consultation

BDS-Isologo FAQ about Inbound Marketing

What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing is about a content strategy to attract customers to a brand through a balance of branding, content marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization.

Why is goal setting important to inbound marketing?

Goal setting is an extremely important factor in successfully implementing a successful inbound marketing strategy. The objectives, in addition to shedding clarity on the business route that the organization has set out, allows the alignment and articulation of marketing, sales and customer service efforts.

Why is social media an important part of inbound marketing?

Corporate and professional social media profiles are an indispensable part of the ecosystem of any digital project and, as such, must be taken into account when implementing an effective inbound marketing strategy. The inbound marketing approach consists of proposing solutions to buyer personas, and these individuals interact and share their experiences, values, and points of view through their virtual communities.

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